Helbiz - Car Rent Plaftorm Based on Blockchain

If i say 'Car', what do you think of ? It is about Wealth and Prestige. For example, if i say again 'I have Lambo', you must be think that i am the rich person, but its just a car. Car is a vehicle that we used daily from place to place. We use car to across the distances with no time. I am sure that everyone in this world wants to have a car to ride.

You may not believe me but in our world, there are still many peoples that never had a car or never drive a car. Now i ask you, do you have a car ? I am sure that more than 50% peoples who have read my blog, have a 'no' answer. The question is why? The answer is simple. Because Car is difficult to earn. You must have much funds to buy a car.

For you who have a car, what if you can rent it to the peoples who having a hardship to own a car ? What if you can make a huge incomes from your car ? With Helbiz, you can make it happen. Helbiz is a marketplace platform based on blockchain that you can rent out your car, motorcycle, bicycle or even your private jet.

With Helbiz, you just need to list your car into Helbiz platform, add your car photos and set your own price for rent out. Helbiz can make you control your car, just by using a mobile phone. Once you listed your car to rent out, the Helbiz team will come to install your car the Helbiz software. With this software, the renters of your car can lock or unlock the car using their mobile phone.

Once your car is rented by peoples, you just need to relax and take your time, you will be notified by Helbiz platform on your mobile phone, and you will get paid automatically from your rented car. The payment will be in Helbiz Coin, Wire, or Paypal that you can choose freely.

And how about the risk of your car being damaged or crashed by the renter ? Your Car will be fully covered by Helbiz, with the largest insurance companies that partnered with Helbiz. Anyway with Helbiz, your cars will be completely secure and safe.


It has to be said that car becomes the needs for everyone. The demands of car increased rapidly every year by everyone. Helbiz makes people choose and drive a dream car. With Helbiz, people can make their own profit by rent it to other peoples in need. Now everyone can rent all kind of car with Helbiz.

HBZ Token

Token Symbol : HBZ

Token Type : ERC20

Token Supply : 1,000,000,000 HBZ

Token Available on Sale :
Pre Sale : 40,000,000 HBZ
Sale : 480,000,000 HBZ

Token Price :
Pre Sale : 1 ETH = 8,000 HBZ
Sale : 1 ETH = 6,000 HBZ

Token Sale Date :
Pre Sale : January 26, 2018 - February 14, 2018
Sale : February 15, - March 4, 2018

Soft Cap : 5,000 ETH

Hard Cap : 62,500 ETH


Helbiz Telegram : https://t.me/helbiz


Elysian - E-Commerce Platform on Blockchain

Hello and Good day everyone!  Cryptocurrency has been well known currently. Did you know that cryptocurrency can be used in E-Commerce market on internet ? You will find out now.

The use of the Internet has experienced tremendous growth especially in the business field especially in large scale companies. Since the invention of internet technology in the 1990s its use is widespread because it is seen to provide enormous benefits for the smoothness of business processes. An example is Eb*y, in 2016 and then posted a profit of $ 2.3 billion from revenue of $ 8.7 billion. While in 2015 posted a profit of $ 1.78 billion of total revenues of $ 8.54 billion. Or an increase of 34%.

Many companies have moved to e-commerce for various reasons. One of them is the ease of technology given to make e-commerce as an efficient and effective trading alternative, both in terms of time, effort and cost.

Another thing that makes e-commerce a land prospect for business people is the status of internet users who are increasingly growing. Entrepreneurs can create new jobs for themselves as well as for others. This is a new market opportunity for businesses.

Elysian, The E-Commerce Platform

Elysian is a E-Commerce Platform which have a team in e-commerce and cryptocurrency experts with a plan to connect the multi-trillion dollar Ecommerce industry with the multi-billion dollar global cryptocurrency market by creating a revolutionary, new Ecommerce platform.

The primary function of the Elysian platform is to revolutionize the entire Ecommerce industry by improving security and creating a new, unique user experience. The Elysian ecosystem will serve as the gateway to a more efficient future, powered by the blockchain. Continued sustainable growth is only achievable if the current status quo improves.

The innovative Elysian platform will drastically transform the standard Ecommerce business model. Multiple improvements in efficiency and security will be evident for investors and consumers, such as faster delivery, secure customer data storage and identity theft protection.

Client Benefits

The Clients will have the ability to use the Elysian platform for their own businesses, providing an upgraded level of functionality. The platform will act as a foundation for other future Ecommerce businesses that will enter the space. Essentially it will act as an intermediary between our clients and their target consumer demographic.

With the best security system, Elysian will build trust in Ecommerce by producing a substantially improved level of data storage security by using the Proof-of-Authority algorithm. Proof-of-Authority consensus will provide the Elysian ecosystem with a private blockchain to store encrypted credit card information and other user data securely over a distributed network.

Elysian have two awesome features : Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. The implementation of these two features into E-Commerce will solidify the advancement and progression of the industry. This technology will provide the ultimate convenience. Consumers will have the ability to shop at home in an intimate environment and will have a level of engagement that is similar to an in-store experience.

Token Sale

Token Symbol : ELY

Token Type : ERC20

Token Issued for Sale : 230,000,000 ELY

Soft Cap : 3,000,000 USD

Hard Cap : 19,000,000 USD

Token Price and Sale Date
Pre TGE : Jun 4 - Jun 17, 0.06 USD / ELY
TGE I : Jun 18 - Jun 24, 0.08 USD / ELY
TGE II : Jun 25 - Jul 1, 0.1 USD / ELY
TGE III : Jul 2 - Jul 8, 0.12 USD / ELY

All Unsold tokens will be burned

Elysian MVP Mobile Wallet


RoadMap of Elysian

Q2 / 2017
- The Elysian concept is born

Q3 / 2017 - Q1 / 2018
- The concept is in development

Q2 / 2018
- The Elysian Private Event begins, followed shortly thereafter by the Elysian TGE

Q3 / 2018
- Team Expansion
- Launch of the official Desktop Wallet (Windows, Linux & Mac)

Q4 / 2018
- Launch of the official Mobile Wallet (iOS & Android)

Q1 / 2019
- Private blockchain implementation for data storage

Q2 / 2019
- Launch of the official Elysian Merch Program

Q3 / 2019
- Launch of the official Elysian Platform

Q4 / 2019
- Atomic Swap integration into the Elysian Ecommerce platform

Q1 / 2020
- Expand the range of altcoins accepted on the Elysian platform

Q2 -Q3 / 2020
- Opening of a Strategic Office in Europe and Asia

Q4 / 2020
- AI integration into the Elysian Ecommerce platform

Q3 / 2021
- VR integration into the Elysian Ecommerce platform

- 1% of the global Ecommerce websites start using the Elysian platform
Elysian Website : https://elycoin.io/
Elysian Telegram : https://t.me/elysian_ely
Author : levvv

Helbiz - Car Rent Plaftorm Based on Blockchain

If i say 'Car', what do you think of ? It is about Wealth and Prestige. For example, if i say again 'I have Lambo', you m...