Enjoy Life - Cryptocurrency, Fiat Money and Discount in Your Wallet

Enjoy Life company was founded in Ukraine on June 1, 2017. Various directions are untied within the company: multicurrency wallet, payment system, trading platform, discount loyalty program, interaction with business partners and clients, academy of modern business management, marketplace. Our mission is to implement solutions that meet the needs and create values for business partners and users of the crypto community.

Enjoy Life is a team of 20 enthusiasts and professionals who teamed up in 2014 to eliminate barriers between crypto community and the traditional economy. In 2017, our efforts were embodied in the creation of an application for smartphones, which combines a payment system, discount programs and a trading platform.

Up to date, the Enjoy Life platform operates in 4 countries (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland). Already now, more than 150 business partners have joined us, who have received a system in which each user can freely, securely and comfortably receive, store and send both cryptocurrency and fiat payments without third party converting services, payment systems, personal accounts and online stores.

The Bitcoin replenishment and conversion mechanism has already been implemented, and in December 2017 - users will be able to operate with Ethereum.

Already now, more than 150 business partners around the world have joined us, since the ease of using our platform is the key to your successful business and its development. At the moment, such areas as: cooperation between business partners and customers, an international loyalty program, a multicurrency wallet have already been launched. Up to date, the Enjoy Life platform already operates in 4 countries (Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland and the US).

The purpose of this project is the creation of a universal payment ecosystem capable of uniting real economy sector and the cryptocurrency world for the exchange, calculation and interaction. Achieving the goals is done with the help of an advantageous offer for clients in the form of receiving a discount from business partners, using a convenient application for making payments "in one click", as well as a number of related services.

Enjoy Life's own base system can be easily integrated into any field of trade. Access to the database is done using ready CRM system, with the help of which the business can immediately monitor all transactions and orders related to partner-companies. The components of CRM-system Enjoy Life are mobile applications that you can freely download in Google Play or in the AppStore.

Enjoy Life app for customers - combines the storage of discounts, bonuses and other offers from partners of the company, a multicurrency wallet and a trading platform.

Enjoy Cashier app for business is a mobile cash register for partners. The use of Enjoy Cashier is as transparent as possible - there are only three buttons -"Invoice", "Enjoy Life card payment", "transaction history". Enjoy Cashier suits perfectly for partner-companies, whose business has its own network (hotels, restaurants etc).

Main Functional Apps

For Clients :
  • Free sign up
  • Access to all discounts of business partners
  • Simplified payment with QR code
  • Multicurrency wallet
  • Secure payments and the guarantee of fair exchange
  • Purchase of cryptocurrency and its exchange within the application
  • Additional income from purchases of your invited friends
  • Internal chat for communicating with your friends
For Business Partners :
  • Sign up and activation of the account for a one-time fee of $14.99
  • Access to the entire Enjoy Life client base
  • Combining buyers and sellers in one platform
  • Creation of your own advertising campaigns and a visualized map of your business with its full description
  • 10% of the profit from each purchase of the customer of your business, as well as from the client of your competitors
  • Advertising support on online and offline channels from Enjoy Life
  • Additional income from attracting other partners to our platform
  • Absence of any commissions from user payments
  • Ensuring the security of payments and the preservation of personal information
  • No need for new equipment and creation of merchants
We also run an internal trading platform in which the payment for the purchase or sale transactions will be the currency that is chosen directly by the seller, which can be USD/BTC/ETH. The next objective for our company is the integration of our payment system into a Visa/MasterCard banking system, as well as an opportunity to pay using the NFC technology. For the implementation of these objectives, the legal department prepares all related documents and licenses.

Enjoy Life ICO

    Token price:
  • 0,5 USD
    Minimal investment:
  • 200 USD in equivalent
    The investor receives a 50% bonus
  • (an additional 0.5 token per each invested one)
    Total token amount:
  • 1 million pcs

    Token price:
  • 0,5 USD
    Minimal investment:
  • 50 USD in equivalent
    Early investors receive bonuses:
  • First 3 days - 20% bonus
  • Second 3 days - 15% bonus
  • Third 3 days - 10% bonus
  • Fourth 3 days - 5% bonus
    Total token amount:
  • 9 million
    Token distribution:
  • 2% of the sold tokens for the bounty program and 7% of the sold tokens for the project team. All unsold and undistributed tokens are burned.

Enjoy Life TEAM


Profile bitcoin : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38 

The Abyss - Gaming Platform With A Strong Accent on Browser and Client F2P MMO Games

The Abyss is a digital distribution platform with a strong accent on browser and client F2P MMO games, where players and developers can earn from multilevel referral and motivational programs The Abyss is a comprehensive gaming environment in which developers can reduce marketing expenses and at the same time have greater earnings potential with a wide range of effective and proven solutions. Players can enjoy the game and also profit from their hobby.

It would seem that the biggest headache for video game developers should be creating content and an interesting product. In fact, the hardest part is finding a way to make the product stand out among the masses of other video game options and reach the end user. Expenditures for advertising often account for more than half of the budget for developing a video game. The cost of traffic has steadily increased with the rise of offers on the market. But how much of the money spent on advertising is really effective ? 

The emergence of blockchain technology has enabled the creation of a next-generation gaming platform. Unlike Steam, the current top gaming platform in the market, we plan to focus on distributing F2P browser and client online games. In a single portal, a digital distribution platform will be integrated with the best network marketing practices in the form of a powerful, multilevel motivational system by which players and developers can profit from in-game payments as well as for gaming and social activities.

The Abyss is a comprehensive gaming environment in which developers can reduce marketing expenses and at the same time have greater earnings potential with a wide range of effective and proven solutions. Players can enjoy the game and also profit from their hobby.

The Abyss has many benefits :

Gamer's Benefits :
  • Personal five-level referral program
  • Earnings from personal and friends' achievements
  • Monetization of content created
  • Earning extra income at in-game auction
  • Syndication to earn from joint activities
  • Tokens transferred to personal Ethereum account
 Developer's Benefits :
  • Personal five-level referral program
  • Target and content-generating audience at the start of the project
  • Access to specialized game statistics
  • Multilingual 24/7 customer support
  • Convenient traffic rotation mechanism in every game on the platform
  • Simple techniques to get internal and external traffic

ABYSS Tokens

ABYSS tokens are a priority internal mechanism for interaction on The Abyss platform. Earnings from referral and motivational programs are paid in ABYSS tokens. The majority of internal services also use only ABYSS tokens. A fixed number of ABYSS tokens will be distributed to the public in exchange for Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH). Additional information about the quantity of ABYSS tokens to be distributed and how the sale will take place will be available on our website: https://www.theabyss.com/

Token Sale Details

Token Name : ABYSS
Pre-Sale : Nov 29, 2017 — Dec 1, 2017 ( The minimum threshold is 5 ETH )
Price : 1 ETH = 2500 ABYSS ( We accept ETH and BTC )
Soft Cap : 10 000 ETH ( If the first goal is not met, all funds will be returned )
Token Sale : Dec 12, 2017 — Jan 24, 2018 ( The minimum threshold is 0.1 ETH )
Bonuses : Pre-sale  +25% ( 1st day : +15%, day 2-4 : +10%, day 5-20 : +5% )
Total Token Circulation : Depends on the amount raised in ETH and BTC during Token Sale

The Abyss TEAM

Our team is comprised of specialists from Destiny.Games, which entered the market in 2008. Destiny.Games is a company with an extensive history and solid reputation. We perform a complete cycle of launching and operating gaming projects. We have an experience in both developing of our own successful MMO projects and localizing them abroad, as well as releasing browser-oriented and client games by other developers, including AAA-class client games.

We have professional programmers, artists, mathematicians, game designers and marketing experts with great experience.

The Abyss Site : https://www.theabyss.com/
The Abyss Telegram : https://t.me/theabyssportal
The Abyss Twitter : https://twitter.com/theabyss

Profile bitcoin : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38 

EagleCoin - Token Termaju yang Pernah Dikembangkan di Indonesia dan Dirilis di Exchange

Selama dekade ini, penggunaan teknologi blockchain terus menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Lebih dari 1000++ kriptocurrency dan token telah dirilis sampai saat ini. Beberapa aplikasi teknologi blockchain telah diusulkan dan beberapa di antaranya telah diimplementasikan. Akibatnya, kriptocurrency seperti Bitcoin dan Ethereum mulai diterima secara mainstream.

Teknologi blockchain, yang mengandalkan kontrol terdesentralisasi, yang bertentangan dengan uang elektronik terpusat atau sistem perbankan terpusat, memiliki potensi besar untuk diimplementasikan sebagai sistem pembayaran. Dalam sistem pembayaran terdesentralisasi, transaksi dapat divalidasi dan diamankan tanpa kehadiran pihak perantara yang terpercaya.

EagleCoin adalah langkah awal proyek EaglePay, yang bertujuan mengembangkan sistem pembayaran gateway dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. EagleCoin adalah token ERC20 Ethereum yang berfungsi sebagai aset digital. Pemegang EagleCoin akan menerima EagleShare 1 : 1 di atas ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Setiap EagleShare mewakili satu unit kepemilikan EaglePay Holding. Pemegang EagleShare akan menerima dividen tahunan (jika ada) dari laba bersih EaglePay Holding. Dividen akan diberikan sebagai EAGLE (unit EagleCoin) dan / atau ether.

Kami memilih merek "Eagle" karena kami ingin sistem EaglePay dianggap sebagai kinerja yang kuat, dinamis, dan tinggi seperti "Elang". Kami berencana untuk mengembangkan sistem EaglePay melalui beberapa langkah :

1. Membuat EagleCoin, sebuah token ethereum, yang berfungsi sebagai aset digital.
2. Melakukan ICO dari EagleShare, token 100% pre-mined yang mewakili kepemilikan EaglePay Holding.
3. Melepaskan EaglePay.

EagleCoin mempunyai beberapa fitur :

Proof of Stake (PoS)
Token dapat dipertaruhkan tanpa GPU dan tanpa menyalakan komputer Anda, karena semuanya berjalan di Blockchain Ethereum, tingkat mengintai di tahun pertama adalah 100%

Max Supply 12 Juta
Exclusive total token and lain lain ada di whitepaper : https://eaglepay.io/eagle-whitepaper/

Dukungan Komunitas
Komunitas EagleCoin adalah tempat dimana kita dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman kita tentang BlockChain. Bergabunglah dengan grup telegram kami! : https://t.me/eaglecoinworld

Siap Exchange

Berbasis Blockchain Ethereum
- Didukung oleh blockchain Ethereum kuat mainnet network.
- Contract: 0x994f0dffdbae0bbf09b652d6f11a493fd33f42b9

Investor EagleCoin akan menerima tiga keuntungan :
  • Mereka memenuhi syarat untuk menerima stake reward.
  • Sebagai pemegang EagleShare, mereka akan menerima token dan dividen EagleShare (tergantung pada kinerja EaglePay Holding).
  • Investor akan mendapat keuntungan jika nilai EagleCoin meningkat. 

Kami percaya nilai EagleCoin akan meningkat secara signifikan. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa kita tidak dapat menentukan target harga saat ini karena bergantung pada mekanisme pasar.

Peta Jalan

Tahap akhir dari proyek kami adalah menciptakan sistem pembayaran gateway dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain yang user friendly dan memenuhi persyaratan peraturan. Namun, untuk mencapai tahap itu, kita perlu melepaskan EagleCoin terlebih dahulu.
Peta jalan proyek, beserta perkiraan waktu : 

Agustus 2017
Membangun komunitas EagleCoin
Oktober 2017
Rilis EagleCoin Exchange
Januari 2018
Dompet Android EagleCoin
Februari 2018
Intergrasi jaringan TOR
Agustus 2018
EagleShare ICO  

Rilis EaglePay

Android Wallet dan Integrasi Jaringan TOR

Pemegang EagleCoin mungkin ingin mengakses dompet mereka di banyak tempat di mana PC atau laptop tidak tersedia. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna ini, kami akan merilis dompet Android EagleCoin yang terintegrasi dengan jaringan Tor. Jaringan Tor akan membuat proses transaksi sulit untuk dilacak dan dilengkapi dengan transaksi anonim.

EagleShare adalah 100% pre-mined token yang berjalan di blockchain Ethereum. The EagleShare ICO direncanakan setelah selesainya prototipe aplikasi EaglePay. ICO dimaksudkan untuk mengumpulkan dana yang cukup untuk mengembangkan sistem dan perusahaan EaglePay.

EaglePay adalah sistem pembayaran gateway berdasarkan teknologi blockchain. Pihak ketiga dapat mengakses gateway untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masing-masing pengguna menggunakan Application Programming Interface (API) EaglePay. Tidak menggunakan buku besar terpusat, EaglePay menggunakan buku besar terdistribusi untuk mencatat setiap transaksi. Penggunaan buku besar yang didistribusikan dapat menciptakan kepercayaan antar semua pihak karena semua transaksi dicatat dalam buku besar terbuka dan semua pihak dapat melacak transaksi yang telah mereka lakukan. Mentransfer uang juga bisa dilakukan tanpa pihak ketiga; pengguna dapat mentransfer sejumlah uang ke pengguna lain secara langsung, dan oleh karena itu, proses transfer dapat dilakukan dengan biaya rendah.

Visi kami adalah menjadikan EaglePay sebuah sistem gateway pembayaran mikro yang dapat diakses oleh berbagai pengguna, mudah digunakan, memiliki biaya rendah, dan mematuhi peraturan semua yurisdiksi. EaglePay juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menciptakan banyak peluang bisnis baik bagi perusahaan maupun individu. Perkembangan fitur bisa meliputi :
  • Kartu kredit virtual
  • Pinjaman Peer to peer
  • Supply Chain Finance

Proses EaglePay

- Proses Pembuatan e-money oleh emiten. Dalam blockchain, issuing adalah proses pembuatan smart contract token. Bank, lembaga keuangan, jaringan pengecer, atau pihak lain bisa mengeluarkan e-money / create token. Seorang pengguna atau pengakuisisi bisa membeli e-money dari penerbit dengan uang fiat; Proses ini melibatkan pembuatan dompet dan mentransfer token dari penerbit ke pengguna atau acquirer.

- Proses penarikan mentransfer token dari pengguna atau pedagang ke acquirer, dimana pengakuisisi memberikan uang fiat kepada pengguna atau pedagang. Proses top up (atau deposit) adalah pengalihan token dari dompet pengakuisisi ke dompet pengguna lain atau dompet pedagang, di mana pengguna memberi uang fiat untuk acquirer.

- Proses pembayaran adalah transfer token dari dompet pengguna ke dompet pedagang dimana secara bersamaan, pedagang mentransfer barang atau layanan yang telah dibayar oleh pengguna.

- Proses mentransfer e-money adalah proses mentransfer token dari dompet pengguna ke dompet pengguna lain. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan token atau e-money lain.

- Proses kliring melibatkan penghitungan berapa yang harus dibayar emiten dalam uang kertas kepada emiten lain. Kliring diperlukan sebagai hasil transfer dari satu e-money ke e-money lain yang telah dikeluarkan oleh penerbit lain. Perhatikan bahwa unit e-money mewakili satu unit uang fiat; Oleh karena itu, transfer ke berbagai e-money bisa dilakukan dengan mudah dan tanpa biaya tambahan yang signifikan. Ini merupakan keuntungan menggunakan EaglePay, dibandingkan dengan gateway pembayaran terpusat lainnya.

- Validasi transaksi, adalah proses menambahkan transaksi ke blockchain. Untuk mengamankan blockchain, pihak manapun, bisa bergabung ke node server, sebagai pemalsu. Forgers akan menerima sebagian biaya transaksi.

Manfaat menggunakan blockchain EaglePay adalah :
  • Emiten tidak perlu membuat dan mengelola sistem pembayaran mereka. Sistem pembayaran EaglePay kuat dan aman
  • Transaksi lebih cepat, bahkan dengan emiten lain
  • Aman untuk transaksi online. Pengguna tidak perlu memberikan data pribadi mereka kepada pedagang
  • Biaya rendah untuk semua transaksi baik di bawah emiten yang sama atau penerbit yang berbeda
  • Proses kliring auto
  • Kesempatan untuk menjadi forger di server dan menerima sebagian dari biaya transaksi. Emiten, Acquirer, Merchants, dan pihak lain dapat bergabung sebagai pemalsuan untuk mengamankan jaringan dan menerima sebagian dari biaya transaksi

Spesifikasi EagleCoin

Nama : EagleCoin
Simbol : EAGLE
Desimal : 18
Standar : ERC20
Platform : Ethereum
Supply Koin Maksimum : 12.000.000 EAGLE
Supply awal : 3.600.000 EAGLE
Usia Minimum Coin : 3 Hari
Usia Maksimum Coin : 90 Hari
Hadiah tahunan yang diharapkan untuk pemegang koin :
  • Tahun 1: 100%
  • Tahun 2: 50%
  • Tahun 3 sampai Maksimum Coin Supply tercapai: 10%

TIM EagleCoin

EagleCoin Site : https://eaglepay.io/
EagleCoin Twitter : https://twitter.com/EagleCoinID 
EagleCoin Telegram : https://t.me/eaglecoinworld

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38 

Bulleon - Financial Instrument that Revolutionizing the way of Financial Transactions

Bulleon is published on the Ethereum ecosystem produced on the blockchain, where it poses as a financial value. Although this improves the surface token slightly, it is considered to be an exciting development. However, ERC20 makes the resources more accessible to replace and ensures that it can work with Dapps that meet the same standard. So far, the ERC20 standard allows any compatible token to be a natural fit with new projects and services. Besides, the introduction of this rule also provides tokenization of other functions, including the right to vote. Bulleon project tokens allow investors to vote or decide on what the future of the project should look like.

Bulleon's Goal :

Launch the power gathering whirl of Bulleon
Once the Force Gathering Whirl of Bulleon is rolled out, it begins to gather reputation and trust, causing the price to rise.

Have you missed the Bitcoin train?
You need a second chance when you weren't quite ready for the first time. The aim is to make everyone who joins this project happy.

Market capitalization
When Bulleon sold out from a smart contract, its market capitalization will be $2.85 billion, after which Bulleon will achieve a floating exchange rate and will be the largest cryptocurrency on the Ethereum network.

Ethereum offers a standardized method for creating new tokens in its blockchain called the ERC-20 protocol. ERC-20 is not some line of code, software or technology. On the contrary, these are the guidelines that facilitate the integration of several currencies.

Why is the Ethereum ERC20 token standard preferable than Bitcoin Blockchain? The Bitcoin blockchain has some problems that make it a bad choice for ICOs and cryptocurrencies. These problems are highlighted below :
  • Bitcoin Blockchain is not a more general-purpose program: What distinguishes Bitcoin from not being a more general-purpose program is its design as a monetary system.
  • Security Issues: Talking of security, Bitcoin cannot be referred to as a Turing-complete scripting system.
  • Longer Block time (Slow Confirmation): Finally, the block time of Bitcoin is too long for a cryptocurrency or ICO to be feasible or achieved. At 10 minutes per bock, transactions could take over an hour to clear and then be verified after they are few blocks deep within the chain.
Ethereum ERC20 token standard has corrected Bitcoin Blockchain flaws. Bitcoin’s blockchain structure problems have been solved by the Ethereum ERC20 token standard in the following ways:
  • Ethereum, a multi-purpose program: Ethereum stores a tree of program states by using a complex data structure called the Merkle Patricia Tree, which allows for faster changes and tests of the different rules required to run the ICOs.
  • Ethereum is Turing Complete: Ethereum (which was created to correct Bitcoin flaws) is a Turing-complete system. The instructions in the program code of Ethereum are processed using what we call "gas" payment.
  • Ethereum uses GHOST protocol: The Greedy Heaviest Observed Subtree (GHOST) protocol of Ethereum makes it possible to create blocks faster without compromising the security of its blockchain.

Bulleon is a Smart Financial Instrument

Bulleon’s smart contract
Bulleon’s smart contract is written in the Solidity programming language and is completely open source. Anyone who wants to explore it gets full rights to do so. It is perfectly understandable to know what functions its code contains.

Smart contract functions
Smart contract is constructed in a way that the contract owner would not have any authority to control it after it will be deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. A few functions have been left in the assembly- in case something unexpected happens- but they have no effect on Bulleon and its economy; you can sleep in peace. The functions left to maintain the contract owner are: change contract owner or withdrawal address, force withdraw ETH (if the funds are stuck in a contract), burn a specific amount of Bulleons. No one can ever create more Bulleons, move them to another address, or otherwise manage Bulleons inside the ICO smart contract. Even we do not have the authority to manage them inside the contract. Thus, the only way to get them out of the contract is by purchasing them. This decision has been made for the peace of mind of investors.

Bulleon's Finances

Bulleon’s cryptocurrency gains its power by gathering the labor input into it. Continuous hard work makes it better and stronger, and exponential labor input for the project’s developing and marketing and fast “business expansion” will guarantee it a continuous price-lifting force. Look at the infographic.

Ilustration Scheme :

1. You purchases some Bulleons. After purchase, you will immediately receive the Bulleons in his favorite wallet.
2. Bulleon receives a payment and uses part of it immediately on his own development by hiring more required employees and specialists (marketing experts, advisors, finance managers, designers, programmers, assistants).
3. The other part will be used for aggressive marketing via all possible channels of the internet.
4. Because marketing will be very effective, it naturally will bring new investors.
5. Whenever a new supporter purchases Bulleons, it will make Bulleon more powerful.
6. Once the Force Gathering Whirl of Bulleon is rolled out, it begins to gather reputation and trust, causing the price to rise.

What happens if Bulleon’s market price exceeds the selling price of a smart contract? In case a token sale is on (at any phase) and Bulleon’s market price reaches the level, which is greater than smart contract selling price- it will automatically trigger the product sales process through a smart contract, and will subsequently affect the market price as a correction.

Bulleon's ICO

There will be a total of 12 phases, with no time limit. Each phase will contain 760,000BLN for a fixed price. The USD rates are calculated at ETH price 300USD/ETH.

Token Distribution

Total Bulleon supply: 9,5 million (9,500,000) BLN of which:
  • 96% will be offered for purchase
  • 2% will be distributed for bounty program
  • 1% will be distributed for airdrop
  • 1% will be reserved for founders
  • Ethereum ERC20 token – Bulleon (BLN)
  • Purchase methods accepted: Ether (ETH)
  • Maximum cap on crowdsale: 1,060,009ETH

ICO will start at phase one at 03. November 2017. Phases are not time-constrained, once one phase sells out, the next one will start automatically. The one-time purchase is limited by 1000 BLN/per address. That means, if you purchase 800 BLN at phase 3, and decide to purchase 500 BLN from the same address, you will get only charged for 200 BLN, and the rest of payment will be automatically refunded to your address. However, there is no limit to how much BLN you can hold on your address, the limit is valid only for purchasing from the same address.

Investment in Bulleon

Investor 8 buys in at phase 3 with a total of 2000USD, while the rate is 0.5 USD/BLN. At this rate, he will get a total of 4000BLN. He decides to sell BLN while phase 5 is active, while the contract price of BLN is 1.5USD/BLN. The market rate cannot be greater than a phase rate, so it is assumed that the selling price is at the phase 5 price range. Investor 8 sells all BLN at the 1.5USD/BLN rate with a 6,000USD revenue. The total gross profit is 4,000USD with a 200% markup. Dividends are not calculated in this example because they are only distributed when the last phase is over.

Bulleon's Team

Bulleon Site : https://bulleon.io/
Bulleon Announcement : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2354399.0
Bulleon Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bulleon_net

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

Algory - Alat Multifungsi Yang Kuat Untuk Kripto-trading

Algory akan merevolusi perdagangan di pasar kriptocurrency dan menjadi bagian integral dari trader untuk trader di seluruh dunia. Algoritma khusus, disiapkan dengan cara yang memungkinkan setiap pengguna untuk menyesuaikannya secara mandiri dengan persyaratannya tanpa keahlian pemrograman, akan memungkinkan anda untuk langsung mencari peluang perdagangan dan membuka posisi secara otomatis jika anda memenuhi kriteria yang telah Anda tetapkan sebelumnya. Masing-masing dari tiga belas fase yang membentuk produk akhir kami menyediakan penggunadengan fungsi unik dan sepenuhnya independen.

Pendiri Algory adalah pedagang profesional dan berpengalaman yang turun dari yang terbesar bursa saham di dunia - dari NYSE Amerika dan NASDAQ, yang memulai perdagangan kriptocurrency pada tahun 2014 di bursa khusus. Menggambar pada 25 tahun pengalaman yang berhubungan dengan aktif perdagangan dan investasi, kami menyiapkan alat dengan cara tak terbayangkan, yang akan mengubah arus dalam pendekatan untuk perdagangan kriptocurrency. Kami telah pindah dari pasar saham ke kriptocurrency. Selama bertahun-tahun, kami telah memperluas untuk menciptakan algoritma yang memfasilitasi perdagangan karena kita mengerti baik kebutuhan para trader dan isu-isu yang berhubungan dengan pemrograman untuk trading.

Saat mengenalkan trader baru dari pasar saham ke pasar kriptocurrency, kami menerima banyak pertanyaan seperti yang di bawah ini :
  • Bagaimana Anda menemukan kesempatan sempurna untuk membuka posisi begitu cepat ?
  • Bagaimana Anda menafsirkan informasi yang mengalir dari pemilik kripto yang ada atau majalah kripto untuk membuka posisi yang bagus dalam waktu singkat ?
  • Bagaimana Anda memilih peluang investasi dan mengetahui di mana lebih banyak investor tertarik pada aaset yang diberikan mungkin muncul ?
  • Bagaimana Anda mengatasi analisis begitu banyak perubahan harga di pasar yang berbeda?
  • Bagaimana Anda bisa melihat begitu banyak mata uang, saham atau instrumen keuangan padasecara berkelanjutan ?

Kami adalah trader yang turun dari dua bursa saham terbesar di dunia: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) dan National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ). Tidak ada pasar modal baru yang menyebabkan keributan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini sebagai kriptocurrencies.

Kami telah hadir di pasar ini sejak 2013, keduanya sebagai CryptoMiners dan juga CryptoTraders, menghasilkan uang untuk kenaikan dan penurunan harga dari masing-masing kripto yang ada. Mengingat waktu yang kita miliki untuk menemukan peluang investasi dan perdagangan terbaik di bursa kriptocurrency, kami memutuskan untuk menempatkan produk di pasar yang akan menyederhanakan keseluruhan proses pengambilan keputusan investasi dan selanjutnya akan membuat Anda lebih efisien dan lebih banyak lagi. pedagang yang menguntungkan

Kami sangat antusias untuk mengumumkan kemunculan aplikasi maju pertama di dunia inimendukung perdagangan profesional di pasar kriptocurrency. Ini adalah platform yang kompleks yang akan menyelesaikan sebagian besar masalah Anda terkait dengan proses pengambilan keputusan yang harus dilakukan dalam hal investasi kriptocurrency

Karakteristik Algory :
  • Inovasi, Anda tidak akan menemukan alat yang menghasilkan sinyal tepat seperti itu
  • Kredibilitas, Produk ini didukung oleh pedagang yang setia yang mentransfer alat yang telah terbukti di pasar lain dan tim pemrogram, manajer, dan spesialis yang sempurna dalam tim mereka di bidangnya
  • Kompleksitas, Algory adalah alat multifungsi dengan potensi hebat yang dapat Anda gunakan dalam perdagangan. Lihatlah fase produk untuk memahami pada tingkat apa alat kita bisa digunakan.
  • Kesederhanaan dan ketersediaan, Lupakan keterbatasan penggunaan kendur, alat telegram atau perangkat messenger lainnya. Anda tidak akan membutuhkannya; aplikasi web akan memberikan akses ke device dari lokasi manapun dengan koneksi internet dimana pun di dunia. 

Tahap pengembangan produk Algory :

Cryptoscanner - Pemindai profesional untuk kripto
Pemindai yang beroperasi secara real time, berdasarkan data dari sebagian besar pertukaran kriptocurrency seluruh dunia

CryptoNews - agregator berita kriptocurrency
Sebuah agregator berita kripto yang berfungsi secara real time. Pemindai memfilter data dari layanan, blog, saluran sosial (seperti twitter, reditt, dll.). DalamTahap selanjutnya, sebuah koneksi akan dibentuk untuk meluncurkan fungsi trading otomatis, berkat yang manaposisi akan dibuka secara otomatis sesuai dengan  informasi sentimen.

Trading Room - Komunitas Perdagangan 
Ruang perdagangan beroperasi 24 jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu. Tempat dimana pedagang dari pasar kriptocurrency bertemu dan menciptakan sebuah komunitas yang terfokus proyek Algory. Anda akan melihat bagaimana trader profesional menggunakan produk kami di Livestream. Anda bisa bertanya kepada perwakilan perusahaan, pedagang pertanyaan tentang penambahan fungsi program baru.

Blockchain analyzer - analisis perdagangan blockchain
Pemantauan dompet dingin dan panas guna menganalisa potensi penjualan di pasaran yang dihasilkan dari transfer jumlah kripto yang lebih besar antara dompet dan bursa

Cryptocurrency Backtester - backtests untuk Cryptoscanner
Backtests filter dan alert dilakukan pada data historis dan simulasi keefektifan strategi trading yang digunakan. 

Pemindai Cryptocurrency Arbitrage - pemindai untuk mencari peluang arbitrase
Memungkinkan Anda untuk menggambarkan perbedaan harga antara masing-masing bursa dengan mempertimbangkan semua biaya transaksi.

Autotrading - pemesanan otomatis
Pesanan otomatis ditempatkan berdasarkan filter dan sinyal yang ditentukan oleh pengguna, termasuk : slip, harga, penempatan order dan eksekusi maksimal, stop loss dan take profit level juga sebagai nilai dari posisi yang direncanakan. Selain itu, seiring berjalannya waktu, berkat kecerdasan buatan, sistem akan mengambil sinyal tentang potensi keuntungan terbesar bahkan lebih efektif.

Sinyal grafik dan analisis - sinyal dan analisis dalam bagan
Aplikasi web yang memungkinkan Anda membuat link dengan fungsi Algory lainnya, Project dan analisa cryptocurrencies dari segi teknis.

Pembelajaran sosial - Basis Pengetahuan "Bagikan pengetahuan Anda dan mendapatkan pengetahuan "
Platform jejaring sosial untuk pendidikan dan pertukaran pengalaman.

Pertukaran perbandingan - di mana Anda bisa membeli atau menjual kriptocurrency paling menguntungkan
Alat yang, dalam satu tempat, mengumpulkan dan membandingkan data mengenai harga yang diberikan kriptocurrency dan semua biaya yang berhubungan dengan transaksi.

Cryptocoin - Cryptocoin secara singkat
Semua informasi tentang kripto yang diberikan dikumpulkan di satu tempat.

Cryptoviewer - penampil kriptocurrency
Memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki pandangan yang lebih luas di pasar dengan menampilkan data tentang kripto di dalam bentuk tabel terstruktur dengan opsi penyaringan

Peta Jalan Algory

Q1 2018
pengembangan sistem inti
Website Produk Algory
Q2 2018
Rilis Cryptoscanner v1.0
Rilis Cryptonews v1.0
Rilis Chart Signals and Analytics v1.0
Q3 2018
Rilis ICO Analyzer v1.0
Rilis Cryptoviewer v1.0
Rilis Cryptocoin v1.0
Rilis Exchange Comparison v1.0
Q4 2018
Rilis Arbitage Scanner v1.0
Rilis Social Learning v1.0
Rilis Trading Room v1.0
Q1 2019
Rilis Blockchain Analyzer v1.0
Rilis Cryptocurrency Backtester v1.0
Q2 2019
Rilis Autotrading v1.0

Algory ICO

Proses berlangganan Whitelist akan dimulai pada tanggal 15th November 2017 dan akan berlangsung sampai 7 Desember 2017 pukul 2:00 PM UTC atau lebih awal jika peserta berlangganan untuk jumlah maksimal 10000 ETH. 
Penjualan Whitelist untuk peserta berlangganan akan berlangsung dari tanggal 7th Desember 2017 pukul 14.00UTC sampai 8 Desember 2017 pukul 14.00 UTC. Crowdsale dimulai pada tanggal 8 Desember 2017 pukul 14:00 UTC dan berlanjut sampai 8 Januari 2018 pukul 14.00 UTC. Hanya Ethereum yang bisa diterima. Crowdsale bisa selesai sebelumnya jika semua token terjual sebelum hari terakhir crowdsale. Algory akan dikutip pada bursa yang relevan pada saat paling awal yang praktis setelah selesaiorang banyak. 
Tanggal ICO Algory yang paling penting disajikan pada tabel di bawah ini :

Token Algory

Nama : Algory
Singkatan : ALG
Tipe Token : ERC20
Jumlah Token dikeluarkan : 75,000,000 ALG
Hard Cap : 60,000 ETH
Form Kontribusi : Hanya ETH
Desimal : 18
Tipe : Token Utility
Tanggal terima ALG peserta : Segera sesudah mengirim ETH
Kemungkinan trasfer Token ALG : Sesudah penutupan crowdsale

Rencana Crowdsale


Algory Site : https://www.algory.io/
Algory Telegram : https://t.me/AlgoryProject

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

Bountie - The Best Gaming Platform

Who doesn't like to play Games ? Almost everyone in their childhood, even adult plays games too. Here we introduce you Bountie. If you are a true gamer, this must be a good news. Even you can earn a living with Bountie.

Bountie is a platform for gamers in Asia to make a living while playing their favourite games. By using the latest technology in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, our platform reduces the chances of fraud, high transactional fees and introduces a whole new experience in esports and gaming.

The Merchants are parties like Computer Hardware companies such as Razer, MSi, Dell’s Alienware and also game developers like Bluehole Studio Inc (For PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) & Valve Corporation (For Counterstrike & Dota 2).

These merchants sell their products via Bountie to Gamers. Bountie also creates sweepstakes and tournaments that allow Gamers to win products. Bountie will also work closely with Merchants to gather feedback on products, create in-house content around them and help them to publicise to our targeted group of Gamers.

Thus, creating an Ecosystem where everybody needs everybody and a strong network effect that strengthens as we scale.

The Gaming industry consists of 30% of the World’s population, or approximately 392x of Singapore’s population. Global revenue from the Gaming industry rose from $194 million to $463 million between 2014 and 2016. That’s an impressive 239% growth rate, and there are neither signs of this slowing down nor is the market near saturation yet.

By seeding incentivised competitive matches and tournaments, Bountie aims to be the future of gaming by enabling Gamers to continue doing what they love while making a living off it.

The Problem in gaming industry so far :

  • Lack of Monetisation in Gaming, Gamers have limited ways to monetise their skills and time spent on games.
  • Limited Replay Value, Games lacking an x factor to keep gamers interested in the game.
  • Winner Takes All, The top 1% of the gaming community receives the 90% of the investment & prize money in eSports.
  • No Search Engine For Gamers, Professional bodies have trouble finding talented gamers because there isn’t a centralised and massive platform where gamers profiles, ranking and stats are available for public viewing and with high data integrity and accuracy.
  • Limited Competition Network, Majority of gamers like the idea of participating in eSports but doesn’t have the chance to because of limited competitions and avenues for competing professionally.
  • Decline of Career Opportunity, Increased number of jobs made redundant due to automated systems and AI in the near future. eSports may be a new choice of Career similar to mainstream sports like Tennis, Golf or Football.

Above of all the problems, Bountie has the solutions :

Gamer Profiling and Matchmaking
Bountie uses algorithms to match players with similar skill levels. This retains an element of competitiveness by ensuring fair and even match-ups. Coming up with a platform that allows gamers to create profile, store stats, match-making games, find potential team members and most importantly have lots more fun with “real” stakes involved.

Earning A Living
Ability to get paid while gaming and doing something that they love

Leaderboards and Tournaments
A seasonal leaderboard for gamers to compete and know their standings amongst the best players in the world. It also give gamers another reason to play the game, resulting in longevity in the game. There will be leaderboards on Bountie. On top of match winnings, players receive additional earnings when they top the charts.

Blockchain Technology
Tokenising digital currency would mean an “unhackable” system, creating added security especially when real world dollars are involved.

Immediate Match Rewards
Nothing is as satisfying as instant gratification. Players buy into matches or tournaments with Bountie Coins when participating in matches and claim the stakes of their opponents when they win the match.

Party Support
Players may group up with friends or play solo. For team-based games, solo players will be matched with other similarly ranked players using Bountie’s Matchmaking System.

There are several ways to acquire Bountie Coins :
  • Purchases made through the Bountie platform.
  • Match Winnings.
  • Leaderboard and Tournament Winnings.
  • Quest Completions (e.g. Playing x matches a week, logging in daily for 2 weeks, etc.).
  • Referral Rewards.
  • Promotion and Marketing Giveaways.

Bountie Coins can be used for :
  • Buy into competitive matches and tournaments
  • Purchase of merchandise, hardware and games

ICO Details

70% or 105 Million Bountie Coins to be released for sale. Pre-Sale will be done on Bountio.io/TokenSale. Pre-ICO Backers will receive 15% bonus coins on top of their contribution. For example, if the Backer supports the Campaign for 1 ETH, he will receive 2,000 + 300(Bonus Coins) = 2,300 Bountie Coins.

Public Sale
30% or 45 million Bountie Coins to go on Sale. Sale of Bountie Coins will adopt a waterfall model. Any unsold Bountie Coins from the Pre-Sale will be brought into the Public Sales pool. Any unsold Bountie Coins from the Public Sales pool will remain within the Bountie platform and held by the Bountie Team. All Bountie Coins held by the team will not be sold for at least 6 months.

Bountie TEAM

Bountie Site : http://bountie.io/tokensale/
Bountie Announcement : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2436226.0
Bountie bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2436249.0 

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

Metta - A Single Application that Can Order Offline Services and Gathers Multiple Services

Smartphone is one of the most gadget we used everyday. Most of peoples has smartphone. Without smartphone we cannot enjoy our life with socials, we cannot communicate with each others, and we cannot do another fun things. Have you ever experienced mobile phone damage and don't know how and where to repair it ? Seriously its very frustating when that moment comes.

Here we introduce you METTA.

Metta is a platform for offline services, gathering multiple service providers in one app. It is a mobile solution based on the geolocation and development of blockchain based technologies. Ordering offline service through Metta that operates is as easy as a taxi. The Metta platform is made more advanced, it introduces blockers technology in the relationship between service providers and customers.

The Metta service connects offline service providers with clients. Transaction history saved in smart contract. Simplified model for service operation:

Metta platform makes the next step forward : it introduces the block-chain technology in the relation of the service provider and a customer. It aims :

- to propel seller-buyer relation to a new level with equal conditions for both sides. The service quality, but not the advertising budget becomes the key factor to make a deal. Clear payment system, based on smart contracts and automatic responsibility accept guarantees reliability of the services and allows to focus on the most important aspect
- obtaining high-quality services or goods for competitive market prices.
- to get true reviews. Only real client can comment on the service provided. The reviews will be stored in the block-chain forever. They cannot be deleted or corrected. You can always apply to the review writer with a built-in messenger.
- to store authentic history of the service object. For example, repair and breakdown history in the case of car repair services.

In this Metta platform, as an entry point or early segment, the market for car services has been selected: repair, spare parts, maintenance, sales, rental and exchange of cars and motor vehicles. Going forward we plan to expand the segment of popular offline services such as:
  • Medical services;
  • Renovation, lease, sale and maintenance of real estate;
  • Repair services for household appliances, smartphones, computers, etc.


The Metta mobile app makes it easy to:
  • To negotiate pricing and terms between service providers and clients in real time mode.
  • To share photos of disabled cars and bodies.
  • Applies to all services with appropriate geolocation and accepts offers.
  • Choose a service provider that considers ratings, reviews and comments, best price terms and quotes.
  • Security Deal Payments are made after the service has been given and the smart contract has been closed.
  • Provide a review on the quality of service with other users.
  • Make payments for service either with fiat money or Mettacoin tokens.
  • Can provide comments and reviews from service providers, and communicate with other platform users. 

Lifetime of a simple deal:
  • Client makes an order for repair and makes a deal with one of the car repair services.
  • Car repair service reports the repair is done. The client has no claims against and closes the deal.
Lifetime of deal involving evaluation:
  • A client makes an order for evaluation and makes a deal with one of the valuators
  • The valuator make a list of damages and his evaluation. Evaluation deal closes, repair order opens. The client chooses a service provider and makes a deal with one of the car repair services.
  • Car repair service reports the repair is done. The client has no claims against and closes the deal.
Lifetime of deal involving audit:
  • A client makes an order for repair and makes a deal with one of the car repair services. The funds are reserved in the smart contract.
  • Car repair service reports the repair is done. The client is not satisfied and commissions audit. The client chooses the auditor.
  • The auditor presents a report and makes a decision on the full or partial refund. The deal is closed.

How to use METTA application :
  • Clients and service providers download Metta apps.
  • The client submits a service request and approves the price with the service providers available
  • The client selects the provider and sends the transaction details to a one-click contract. At the same time, funds are transferred and frozen on the contract account to ensure payment of the service.
  • After the service is rendered, the funds are excluded and transferred to the service provider with a reduction of the system commission. Users can evaluate or leave comments on the service, then some commissions will be refunded. Transaction history written in blockchain.



  • Start :20 Nov. 2017
  • Finish: 19 Dec. 2017
  • Offering size : 8 895 539 METTA tokens (10,4%) to be sold at special Pre-ICO price. 1 342 ETH (~$402,5K) Pre-ICO is considered successful if more than 409 ETH (~$131,5K) collected, otherwise all the funds are transferred to pre-ICO participants.
  • Pricing : 1 METTA = ~0,000150 ETH. 1 METTA ~$0,045 (on date 2017/11/16) Average discount - 40% to ICO-price 1 ETH = 6 630 METTA
  • Offering Security : METTA tokens are issued for investors only. Investments will be returned if less than 409 ETH (soft cap) will be collected.
  • Start: 1 Jan. 2018
  • Finish: 1 Feb. 2018
  • Offering size : 50 789 861 METTA tokens (59,6%) to be sold. 13 818 ETH (~$4,1M) ICO is considered successful if more than 3105 ETH (~$1M) collected, otherwise all the funds are transferred to ICO participants.
  • Pricing : 1 METTA = 0,00027 ETH. 1 METTA ~$0,082 (on date 2017/11/16). 1 ETH = 3 675 METTA
  • Offering Security : Investments will be returned if less than 3105 ETH (soft cap) will be collected. METTA tokens of Founders are non-transferable upon ICO completion – locked for 6 month through a smart-contract function.


METTA Site : https://metta-ico.com
ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

Helbiz - Car Rent Plaftorm Based on Blockchain

If i say 'Car', what do you think of ? It is about Wealth and Prestige. For example, if i say again 'I have Lambo', you m...