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After bitcoin, comes ethereum. Limitations of Bitcoin's blockchain resulted in the appearance of a large number of blockchains such as Ethereum which allows to create smart contracts.
The use of the Internet has experienced tremendous growth especially in the business field especially in large scale companies. An example is Ebay, in 2016 and then posted a profit of $ 2.3 billion from revenue of $ 8.7 billion. While in 2015 posted a profit of $ 1.78 billion of total revenues of $ 8.54 billion. Or an increase of 34%.
Many companies have moved to e-commerce for various reasons. One of them is the ease of technology given to make e-commerce as an efficient and effective trading alternative, both in terms of time, effort and cost.
Since the advent of blockchain technology, many people have been trying to link it to commerce, mainly in two formats: the creation of decentralized marketplaces
Finally, barcodes are often not entered in the ERP system of wholesale companies, and each participant in the sales chain uses his own unique articles for different types of goods.
Elementh's goal is to create an alternative protocol for the development of decentralized applications used by e-commerce, providing a standard quality nomenclature, guaranteeing ownership of a particular product and the ability to create specialized smart contracts for e-commerce.
The system of goods also provides for the ability to "issue" a particular product at a particular address, indicating all possible item's data (such as name, manufacturer, bar code, etc.).
Token Symbol : EEE
Token Type : ERC20
Token Supply : 303,000,000 EEE
Token Available on Sale : 217,500,000 EEE
Token Price : 1 EEE = 0.0002 ETH
Token ICO Date : April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
ICO Soft Cap : 10,000 ETH
ICO Hard Cap : 30,000 ETH
Cryptocurrency & E-Commerce
We know that cryptocurrency is very popular nowadays. The first cryptocurrency was bitcoin, bitcoin was found in 2009. At that time, there is only few peoples that know about bitcoin. But look at now, bitcoin is known by almost all of peoples in this world. Not only bitcoin, we know about ethereum and other cryptocurrencies too.
After bitcoin, comes ethereum. Limitations of Bitcoin's blockchain resulted in the appearance of a large number of blockchains such as Ethereum which allows to create smart contracts.
The use of the Internet has experienced tremendous growth especially in the business field especially in large scale companies. An example is Ebay, in 2016 and then posted a profit of $ 2.3 billion from revenue of $ 8.7 billion. While in 2015 posted a profit of $ 1.78 billion of total revenues of $ 8.54 billion. Or an increase of 34%.
Many companies have moved to e-commerce for various reasons. One of them is the ease of technology given to make e-commerce as an efficient and effective trading alternative, both in terms of time, effort and cost.
Since the advent of blockchain technology, many people have been trying to link it to commerce, mainly in two formats: the creation of decentralized marketplaces
The Problems
Down to date, situations where different goods can have the same barcodes or the same item can have different barcodes are not uncommon. The situation is being made even worse by the fact that retailers often simply print their own barcodes for a variety of goods sold by weight, thereby completely destroying the whole meaning of unique bar codes.Finally, barcodes are often not entered in the ERP system of wholesale companies, and each participant in the sales chain uses his own unique articles for different types of goods.
Elementh is a blockchain for e-commerce, which is a register of ownership of goods with the ability to write specialized smart contracts and use of the nomenclature standard to quickly create various decentralized and centralized applications for e-commerce.
Elementh's goal is to create an alternative protocol for the development of decentralized applications used by e-commerce, providing a standard quality nomenclature, guaranteeing ownership of a particular product and the ability to create specialized smart contracts for e-commerce.
System of Goods
Elementh has a system of goods, which can also be used in a large number of applications, such as tracking the movement of a particular item from its creation to the current owner, tracking original goods and detecting counterfeit goods.The system of goods also provides for the ability to "issue" a particular product at a particular address, indicating all possible item's data (such as name, manufacturer, bar code, etc.).
Elementh Features
Unified Nomenclature of Goods
One of the key features of Elementh is the availability of a unified nomenclature. To ensure that the merchandise cards are as complete and accurate as possible, and to reduce the likelihood of creating duplicate cards, the cost of creating and using the card will be different.
The originality of Goods
Goods in the system exist in a single copy and if an item with the same serial number is added to the system, any dApp can notify the buyer that the origin of the goods is unknown. If the chain of ownership comes from the manufacturer, the confirmation of the originality of the goods will be throughout the entire network.Transactions and messages
Any action in the Elementh blockchain is called transaction. The most simple transactions is a transfer of EEE tokens between accounts and a define ownership for goods.Reward for the Block
The blockchain that will use the Elementh software will be awarded with new tokens of the block manufacturer every time the unit is created. The Elementh software can be configured in such a way as to ensure that payment of the block manufacturers is restricted so that the total annual increase in the number of tokens does not exceed 5%.Decentralized Goods Data Storage
To store goods data, such as specifications, photos, EAN codes, serial numbers, and others, Elementh uses the IPFS protocol. IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System) is a content-addressable, peer-to-peer, hypermedia communication protocol. IPFS allows you to create fully distributed applications. It is aimed at making the World Wide Web faster, safer, and more open.
Elementh Token Sale
Token Symbol : EEE
Token Type : ERC20
Token Supply : 303,000,000 EEE
Token Available on Sale : 217,500,000 EEE
Token Price : 1 EEE = 0.0002 ETH
Token ICO Date : April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
ICO Soft Cap : 10,000 ETH
ICO Hard Cap : 30,000 ETH
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