BTCx is the most advanced version of Bitcoin with faster, smarter and more secure transaction and lower transfer fees. In BTCX, users create smart contracts much faster than Bitcoin, paying significantly less fees. Ethereum is a public blockchain platform for the execution of decentralized smart contracts. Although Bitcoin incorporates Smart Contracts, BTCX on ERC 20 is a platform for a lot of non-cash,advanced applications and services. ERC-20 defines a set of six functions,that other smart contracts, within the ethereum ecosystem, will understand and recognize.
These include,for instance, how to transfer a token (by the owner or on behalf of the owner) and how to access data (name,symbol,supply,balance) about the token. The standard, also describes two events-signals that a smart contract can fire that other smart contracts 'listen' to. Together, these functions and events make ethereum tokens work the same almost everywhere within the ethereum ecosystem. As a result,nearly all wallets that support ether, including Jaxx, MyEtherWallet.com and Ethereum Wallet (also called Mist Wallet), now also support ERC-20 compliant tokens.

BTCx has advantages :
Better starting from the foundations
BTCX is written in Turing Complete Language which is more functional than stack based language used in Bitcoin.To show that something is Turing complete, it is enough to show that it can be used to simulate some Turing complete system. For example, an imperative language is Turing complete if it has conditional branching (e.g.,"if' and "goto" statements,or a "branch if zero" instruction; see one instruction set computer) and the ability to change an arbitrary amount of memory (e.g.,the ability to maintain an arbitrary number of variables). Since this is almost always the case, most if not all imperative languages are Turing complete if the limitations of finite memory are ignored.
Close to zero intervals
BTCX has faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with assistance of the most advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 1O minutes which is forty times slower than BTCX's block interval of 14 seconds.Shorter block intervals have higher block duplication rate,reducing the overall work of friendly miners (giving attacking miners an edge).
Safety level maximized
Bitcoin uses SHA-256 algorithm that produces a number in hexadecimal format. Compared to that, BTCX uses Ethash algorithm for security which is far more superior in terms of safety measures.

BTCx Blockchain Information
Supply : 21,000,000
Blockchain Algorithm : Ethash
Mining Hardware : GPU
Block Interval Block Size : 14 s
Diffuculty adjustment : Dynamic
Segwit : PrivateX
Unique Address format Tx fee : 0.2 USD
Tx per second : 25

BTCx's Ethash Algorithm
The Ethash algorithm relies on a pseudorandom dataset, initialized by the current blockchain length. This is called a DAG, and is regenerated every 30,000 blocks (or every -5 days). As of March 2017,the DAG was -2GB, and the DAG will continue to grow in size as the blockchain grows.
The flow of the ethash hashing algorithm can be summarized as follows:
- The Preprocessed Header (derived from the latest block) and the Current Nonce (the current guess), are combined using a SHA3-like algorithm to create our initial 128 byte mix, called Mix 0 here.
- The Mix is used to compute which 128 byte page from the DAG to retrieve, rep resented by the Get DAG Page block.
- The Mix is combined with the retrieved DAG page. This is done by using an ethereum-specific mixing function to generate the next mix,called Mix 1 here.
- Steps 2 & 3 are repeated 64 times,finally yielding Mix 64.
- Mix 64 is post processed,yielding a shorter,32 byte Mix Digest.
- Mix Digest is compared against the predefined 32 byte Target Threshold. If Mix Digest is less than or equal to Target Threshold,then the Current Nonce is con sidered successful, and will be broadcast to the ethereum network. Otherwise, Current Nonce is considered invalid,and the algorithm is rerun with a different nonce (either by incrementing the current nonce, or picking a new one at random).
BTCx aims at improving the functionality and sorting out the volatility and uncertainty caused by the infigting within the Bitcoin community. Why BTCx ? Because BTCx :
- BETTER, BTCx is written in Turing Complete Language which is more functional than stack based language used in Bitcoin.
- FASTER, BBTCx has faster transaction speed than Bitcoin with the help of a more advanced Blockchain technology. The average block interval on Bitcoin is 10 minutes which is 40x slower than BTCx's Block interval of 14 s.
- SAFER, Bitcoin uses SHA-256 algorithm that produces a number in hexadecimal format. Compared to that, BTCx uses Ethash algorithm for security which is far more superior in terms of safety measures.
- SMARTER, In BTCx, users can create smart contracts much faster than Bitcoin at a cheaper price.
BTCx Site : https://btcxproject.com/
BTCx Whitepaper : https://btcxproject.com/whitepaper/whitepaper.pdf
Profile bitcoin : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr : 0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38
Crypto economics: time to remove intermediaries
BalasHapusThere are mediators in any economic relations. There are so many of them that even laws treat mediation as a separate type of activity.
Thus, the Civil Code identifies five types of intermediaries:
• Commercial representatives: they receive instructions from entrepreneurs and fulfill them;
• Commission agents: try to sell goods produced by the manufacturer;
• Attorneys receive orders from entrepreneurs to sell goods and try to promote sales as much as possible;
• Agents: conclude contracts for sale of goods on behalf of entrepreneurs;
• Distributors: conduct wholesale trade in goods which are delivered to them by the producer.
Do we need the above mediators? Undoubtedly, in some cases they perform useful functions. For example, if the manufacturer is experiencing difficulties with sale of goods or it is difficult to deal with the nuances of the legislation, it chooses a good intermediary and pays it for high-quality services.
There is nothing wrong with the above example. However, the problem is that this does not always happen. Most often, intermediaries do not do anything, but want to get a percent (and rather big) of each transaction.
Apparently, what’s wrong with that? Many believe that if producers need intermediaries and are willing to pay them, then so be it. However, such an opinion is fundamentally wrong.
After all, the manufacturer lays down the cost of intermediary services in the value of the goods. Because of this, product prices are constantly rising, and buyers spend more and more money. In the short term, it is only consumers that suffer. But in the long run, economic growth and living standards are declining.
Crypto economy breaks artificial barriers between the producer and the end user of goods. They will be able to interact with each other through platforms that do not obey anyone.
Industrial decentralization is the future. Both buyers of goods and the companies that produce them will benefit from the crypto economy. Ultimately, this will make society healthier and fairer.
Middlemen will disappear from production with the advent of the Yodse platform. It is a unique space where producers and consumers find each other. Yodse assumes only direct interaction between users; there is no place for intermediaries here.