ModulTrade is a smart-contract blockchain-based ecosystem where MSMEs can meet, commit and execute trade globally, easily, trustfully and efficiently. ModulTrade’s Value Ecosystem ( MVE ) is based on MSP (multi-sided platform), which aims to 5 create value through the network effect for the following three main constituents:
Trade counterparties (users)
- model of trust in B2B trade cycle while simplifying transactions execution and decreasing its costs
- instrument for value exchange - MTRc 6
- trade financing in MTRc to enable transactions
- reputational network to leverage network collaboration based on reputation capital of users
- global marketplace for optimal choice of counterparty and price
3rd party trade software developers, platform for trade solutions development on thebase of MTRc functionality
Problems & Solutions
ModulTrade addresses the needs of small enterprises by eliminating the traditional barriers for entry in
the global trade:
- Lack of trust
- High entry costs
- Complexity of trade related operations
ModulTrade connects small enterprises to global trade via four main components:
- Blockchain based Smart-contract platform
- Trade related services platform
- Trade & Reputation Network
- Marketplaces
ModulTrade aims to eliminate the main barriers for entry into global trade as well as:
- bringing together a comprehensive range of services for the full B2B trade cycle;
- helping MSMEs meet, commit and execute trade globally easily, in a trustful and efficiently manner
- Introducing the MTRc (ModulTrade token) as an efficient instrument of value exchange in ModulTrade ecosystem.

ModulTrade’s Value Ecosystem (“MVE”), the economic catalyst for democracy in global trade Leveraging on smart-contract blockchain-based technology, ModulTrade will build a value ecosystem for global trade, i.e. a digital networked value structure that is real-time, global, connected, digital and cost-effective, with features to support further fintech solutions developed by third parties.
This solution will enable MSMEs to increase their revenues whilst reducing the costs of global trading. It will also enable third party developers / service providers to gain access to a wider target of users / clients, while reducing development and user acquisition costs. In this framework, the MTRc will be used as a key for the users to connect to the global trade network and to transact in ModulTrade ecosystem.

ModulTrade smart-contract platform (“MTP”), the backbone of MVE The main function of MTP will be to replicate banks’ trade finance instruments such as Letters of Credit ( LC ) and Bank Guarantees. MTP will provide this functionality to MSMEs at a negligible price (cost of smart-contract execution on blockchain) if compared to 4-15% of the transaction amount charged by banks at the moment.
Evolution of MTP
The next development stages will include integration of 3rd party service providers on the level of active participants of the blockchain network forked by MVE. This integration will include functional agents such as:
- Buyer and Seller agrees on the trade and create a Smart-contract in the MTP
- MTP blocks money on the Buyer’s account to guarantee the payment upon delivery
- MTP instructs bank to reserve funds on the Buyer account/Credit card; OR
- MTP reserves funds in cryptocurrency within the smart-contract.
- The Seller sends goods via logistic company and submits Tracking number to MTP
- Upon Buyer’s receipt of goods, (Tracking delivery matches the address of the Buyer indicated in the Smart-contract) MTP instructs release of payment to the the Seller
Evolution of MTP
The next development stages will include integration of 3rd party service providers on the level of active participants of the blockchain network forked by MVE. This integration will include functional agents such as:
- Insurance providers
- Trade financing lenders
- Logistics and shipment providers

Trade guarantee & financing in MTRc
One of the main obstacles to participate in trade is the need for financing, both on sell and buy side. Globally, 56% of MSME trade finance proposals are rejected, compared to only 7% for multinational corporations. 15.
To facilitate trade transaction within MVE ModulTrade addresses the existing need of small enterprises’ via Reputational Network. Funds and guarantees will be granted to MSMEs in MTRc on the base of their Reputational Capital for the period of up to 30 days.
Credit lines and related fees will be established on the reputation capital built by the enterprises (which in its turn is function of the network recommendations, as assessed by ModulTrade’s Reputation System).
● Every new user which got recommendations from 7 reputable established MVE participants.
● Every new user which got recommendations from 7 reputable established MVE participants.
The amount of credit lines will be a function of
● Application order (according to the “first comers get more” principle)
● User’s Reputation Capital
● User’s Reputation Capital
Every MTRc holder will be able to use Reputational Network infrastructure to provide MTRc for a
fee to guarantee and finance the trade in MVE.
To support MTRc liquidity and turnover within MVE ModulTrade will establish several levels infrastructure which will include :
● Bancor protocol mechanism
● MTRc exchange by ModulTrade
● MTRc placement with existing crypto-exchanges
Use of Bancor protocol will establish MTRc liquidity in advance to its appearance on crypto-exchanges.
● MTRc exchange by ModulTrade
● MTRc placement with existing crypto-exchanges
Use of Bancor protocol will establish MTRc liquidity in advance to its appearance on crypto-exchanges.
Token Information
Token Symbol : MTRc
Token Type : ERC20
Token Price : 1 MTRc = 1ETH/700
Accepted Currency : ETH & BTC & LA & FIAT
Soft Cap : 5 000 000 MTRc
Hard Cap : 30 000 000 MTRc
Bonus & ICO Date

ModulTrade Site : https://en.modultrade.io/
ModulTrade ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2240518
ModulTrade Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2385099.0
ModulTrade Whitepaper : https://en.modultrade.io/ModulTrade_White_Paper.pdf?v1
Profile bitcoin : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr : 0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38
Crypto economics: time to remove intermediaries
BalasHapusThere are mediators in any economic relations. There are so many of them that even laws treat mediation as a separate type of activity.
Thus, the Civil Code identifies five types of intermediaries:
• Commercial representatives: they receive instructions from entrepreneurs and fulfill them;
• Commission agents: try to sell goods produced by the manufacturer;
• Attorneys receive orders from entrepreneurs to sell goods and try to promote sales as much as possible;
• Agents: conclude contracts for sale of goods on behalf of entrepreneurs;
• Distributors: conduct wholesale trade in goods which are delivered to them by the producer.
Do we need the above mediators? Undoubtedly, in some cases they perform useful functions. For example, if the manufacturer is experiencing difficulties with sale of goods or it is difficult to deal with the nuances of the legislation, it chooses a good intermediary and pays it for high-quality services.
There is nothing wrong with the above example. However, the problem is that this does not always happen. Most often, intermediaries do not do anything, but want to get a percent (and rather big) of each transaction.
Apparently, what’s wrong with that? Many believe that if producers need intermediaries and are willing to pay them, then so be it. However, such an opinion is fundamentally wrong.
After all, the manufacturer lays down the cost of intermediary services in the value of the goods. Because of this, product prices are constantly rising, and buyers spend more and more money. In the short term, it is only consumers that suffer. But in the long run, economic growth and living standards are declining.
Crypto economy breaks artificial barriers between the producer and the end user of goods. They will be able to interact with each other through platforms that do not obey anyone.
Industrial decentralization is the future. Both buyers of goods and the companies that produce them will benefit from the crypto economy. Ultimately, this will make society healthier and fairer.
Middlemen will disappear from production with the advent of the Yodse platform. It is a unique space where producers and consumers find each other. Yodse assumes only direct interaction between users; there is no place for intermediaries here.