On the Internet there is a huge number of gambling projects, casinos, high-yield investment projects (HYIP), their number is estimated at millions. Every day many of these projects are closed and opened due to illiterate management, fraud of organizers and lack of transparency.
Conclusion of funds from the system by organizers, low advertising budgets leading to system stagnation, incorrectly constructed economic model, lack of transparency in the system, problems with deposit input and withdrawal due to lack of project regulation.
Existing laws restricting gambling, create many difficulties, both for users and for creators. Most jurisdictions condemn these projects, and those jurisdictions where permitted HR projects require to pay high taxes, thus initially creates all the conditions for the dishonest activity of the creator.

The gambling market shows steady growth from the day of its formation.
On average, the increase in the aggregate turnover of the gambling
services market is 17 billion dollars per year. Blockchain is an ideal
solution for increasing the transparency and trust to high risk
projects. Technology allows, with proper anonymity, to ensure openness
and trust to HR projects by users.
All these problems are solved by AES.

AES - Adept Ethereum Stock is an aggregator solutions for High Risk projects, our main goal is to increase the trust of users through the introduction of transparent mechanisms of work High Risk projects. In the system payment dividends, we use a smart contract, evenly distributing AES revenues among the holders of the token.
AES is a decentralized economic system that is not affected by regulatory authorities and operates on the open-source smart contracts. AES integrated into the system Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and fully satisfies the concepts Dapps and blockchain, using the full potential of technology. AES does not use external tangible assets. The functionality of AES is inextricably linked to EVM and a smart contract system, the logic used by AES is completely controlled by the community.
Control over transparency of income distribution and technology to limit the possible negative impact on systems is the main task, the solution of which is the AES project. Developed technologies for the market high risk investments is focused on implementation in projects: casinos, lotteries, virtual bookmakers, hyip projects. We launch our solutions for our projects, and also provide solutions to partners.

At the moment the AES team has already implemented a model of high-yield transparent investment on a smart contract First Honest Hyip. The principles work of the contract comply with all AES standards and serve as a good example for the industry.
Use blockchain technology and EVM smart contract with open source allowed creating an absolutely open and transparent system. In the system completely excludes the possibility theft of project funds by the organizers and participants. The logic of the contract is completely open to anyone and allows you to evaluate the project from within.
At the moment, we are the first project that involves dividend payments to the holders of the token, regardless of the growth token rate. The logic of dividend payments is open and implemented on a smart contract. Dividends are paid in ETH.

The AES project makes transparent such important factors for investors:
• Number of investors;
• Project lifetime;
• The real capitalization of the project;
• Probability of winning;
• Real distribution of profit between participants.
At the initial stage, the AES structure consists of three smart contracts. The first contract CrowdSale is a contract-sale of tokens. The Crowdsale contract serves to purchase AES tokens within the ICO. This contract creates two other smart contracts:
• The Stocks contract, which is responsible for the distribution profits between holders AES tokens. The Stocks contract has a functional evaluation and payment of dividends;
• Smart Contract First Honest Hyip is a contract-emulation of a matrix ecosystem of investment, which sends a part deposited investor from Stocks contract. The received part of the deposit forms a fund for paying dividends to AES token holders.

Prospects income for participants ICO
The budget collected under the ICO will provide a realistic scenario for the development of the project:
1. The increase number iterations the First Honest Hyip contract by 1,000,000 per month provides a net dividend budget of 18,000 ETH for one year, which is an income of 900% per annum for the holders of the token.
The calculation is based on the formula:
Percent of investor (Percent) = 3%
Entry price (Price) = 0,05 ETH
Number of iterations (I) = 1 000 000
Dividend budget (S)
Number of months (M)
S = (Percent/100) * Price *I*M = 0.03*0,05 * 1 000 000 * 12 = 18 000 ETH
2. The projected growth ETH rate in 2018 will be more than 250%. This analytical forecast is based on the:
• Embedding in the Ethereum system, updating Constantinople;
• Data of technical analysis conducted on crypto currency exchanges;
• The growth popularity EVM technologies by large companies;
• Popularization and development programming language Solidity;
• Increase community Ethereum.
3. Increase cost AES token:
• Limited token issue AES;
• Unique technologies used in the project;
• Increase community;
• Development of positive positioning AES;
• Expansion of the partner base;
• Dividend policy used by the contract Stocks;
• Payment of dividends by the participant ICO in ETH.
4. Solutions created by the AES team will be used by partners to organize HR projects. Each of which will bring profit to the holders of the token AES.
5. The AES team organizes the launch and development of HR projects, the first of which is - FHH.

Token Information
Token Symbol : AES
Token Type : ERC20
Token Supply : 1,000,000 AES
Token Sale Amount : 500,000 AES
Token Price : 0.05 ETH / 1 AES
Token Sale Date : February 9, 2018
AES Site : https://aestoken.com/
AES Whitepaper : https://aestoken.com/WhitePaper/WhitePaper_AES_English.pdf
AES Telegram : https://t.me/aestoken
AES Twitter : https://twitter.com/aestokencom
AES Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/aestoken
Profile bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr : 0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38
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