UService - Decentralized Automotive Industry Platform Based on Blockchain

Do you have a car ? The car industry is a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of car, some of them are called automakers. It is one of the world's most important economic sectors by revenue. The car industry does not include industries dedicated to the maintenance of automobiles following delivery to the end-user, such as automobile repair shops and fuel filling stations.

The car industry demands has increased nowadays because everyone want to have a car. Despite the increased demands made by everyone, Car industry still have a problems that need to solved.

Car Industry Problems

Lack of a single platform
Lack of platform that would unite and allow all industry players to interact: car owners, auto service centers, banks, insurance companies, manufactures, etc.

Lack of transparency amongst the industry players
for example, when buying or selling the car, industry players find it difficult to objectively make decisions.

Low efficiency analytics of the obtained data
modern cars as information producers - a huge number of sensors and sensors in a constant mode collect information, but there are no effective tools for gathering and analyzing.

But all the above problems are solved by UService!

UService  is a new approach in the automotive industry based on the decentralized platform with equal opportunities and a closed economy within the system. will become the basis of the new blockchain platform UService. UService is a single global decentralized blockchain platform for auto service centers on the base of working project.

UService has a mobile application too. Uremont mobile application allows you to leave a request for car repair from anywhere in the world where there is a mobile connection. The apps is for both Android and iOS Platforms.

We will take a look how UService platform works :
  1. The Manufacturer produces the car. This information appears in Uservice database
  2. The car dealer gets the car. UService helps dealers to find costumers who want to buy the car
  3. The car is being serviced. UService immediately send this data to the database
  4. UService keeps tracks of all the car operation detail, mileage, crashes and breakdowns
  5. Using UService database car resell gets easier for the seller and for the client
  6. At the end of car operation, UService helps recycling it. We care about the environment

UService Benefits for Car owner :
  • Quickly find the auto service centers at an affordable price and great quality
  • Receive discounts from the insurance companies for those who drive safe and take care of their car
  • Order parts from the manufacturer directly, which is the best price and quality guaranteed
UService Benefits for Auto Service Centers :
  • Ensure the flow of customers without investment in advertisement
  • Get the best rates from the manufacturers for the ASC
UService Benefits for Dealership :
  • Will be able to promptly make adjustments to the production process of the car at the plant on the basis of world class analytics according to the statistics of the most breakdowns
UService Benefits for Potential car buyers :
  • Provide an opportunity for themselves to buy a car directly from the manufacturer using Uservice platform
  • Find the history of the car and all the maintenance that was done to it at the time of the purchase (when and where and what kind of maintenance was done on it)
UService Benefits for Insurance Company :
  • Will form a more precise pricing policy thanks to segmentation of the car owners taking into consideration the periodical analysis of the car maintenance
UService Benefits for Manufacturer and Part Supplier :
  • As per detailed analytics, the volume of required parts will increase in the number of customers without additional advertisement expenses
  • Expand sales channels without spending on advertising

UService use 2 tokens in the platform : UST token & USX token.

UST Token will become our primary one for our ecosystem. Owners of this token will be able to use it to pay for purchases and all kinds of payments for the services of company partners inside our platform.

In 2019, we will introduce a secondary token called USX which you will be able to use for the purchases inside our system for the UST tokens. The following token will be legalized by undergoing the needed procedures in order to be the document of value of Uservice.

Token Sale Information

Token Symbol : UST

Token Type : ERC20

Token Supply : 58,123,992 UST

Token Price : 1 UST = 0.0005 ETH

Accepted Currencies : ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH

Token Sale Date :
Pre-Sale : November 20, 2017 - December 17,2017
Sale : December 18, 2017 - February 1, 2018

Minimum Goal : 3,000 ETH

Maximum Goal :  300,000 ETH

Bonus :
Pre-sale : 50% discount
Sale : 
18.12.2017-24.12.2017 \ 20%
24.12.2017 - 08.01.2018 \ 10%
08.01.2018 - 14.01.2018 \ WITHOUT BONUS
14.01.2018 - 01.02.2018 \ +25% ON TOKEN SALE


UService Site :
UService Telegram :

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

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