Vinnd - Express Blood Test And Intelligence Blockchain Database

Have you ever think of your health ? A healthy lifestyle contains a balance of food groups and all the nutrients necessary to promote good health. For a success diet, you may need a healthcare advisor. Don't lose your hope, there is a blockchain-based platform that can evaluate your health. It is VINND.

Leading weight-loss researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health are showing that the key to weight loss appears to be highly personalized rather than trendy diets. Individual responses to different diets vary enormously: there is no universal diet for suitable for everyone trying to lose weight. Vinnd is designed to form individually - crafted diets based on your blood test results. A drop of blood may reveal what kind of products would positively affect your metabolism.

Vinnd is the world’s first decentralized digital healthcare platform to run express blood tests to evaluate your health featuring machine learning opportunities and blockchain technologies. According to Deloitte’s 2017 Global Health Care Outlook, effective care delivery and innovations in health care are among trending issues. Vinnd revolutionizes one of the most ‘hot’ segments of healthcare market: weight loss and weight management market.

Market Analysis

Potential Available Market
3,714,635,711 peoples or 49% of people around the world are trying to lose weight according to Nielson Global Health and Wellness Report 2015.

Total Addressable Market
2,785,976,783 peoples In average 75% of people choose to diet as a method to lose weight.

Served Available Market
$2,336,877,325,580 in total,
Monthly subscription model is $838.80 per year per capita.

Servicable Obtainable Market
Vinnd plans to expand to 1% of Served Available Market (SAM)

Portable Express Blood Test Device has been developed to conduct the test at home. Kit eliminates the need to visit doctor’s office and enables the patient to obtain results right away. The prototype is in development now. Development is held under independent supervision of US biomedical engineers, who are members of Vinnd Advisory Board.

How Vinnd works :
  1. Place an order for portable express blood test kit and perform your test at home
  2. Enter results to Vinnd mobile/web app. Vinnd Intelligent Database will evaluate your results
  3. Get your personal diet pattern including recipes combining recommended food items
  4. Get access to medical consultation with Vinnd’s doctor appointment booking service

Vinnd Intelligent Database has been developed to conduct the test at home. Kit eliminates the need to visit doctor’s office and enables the patient to obtain results right away. We utilize Ethereum's smart contracts to create intelligent representations of existing personal healthcare records that are stored within individual nodes on the network. We construct the contracts to contain metadata about the record ownership, permissions and data integrity. The blockchain transactions in our system carry cryptographically signed instructions to manage these properties.

Vinnd Goal :

1. Gradual Market Expansion
2. Reach 1% of Served Available Market by 2022

Vinnd Market Expansion :

1. US and Canada - 69% of people trying to lose weight
2. Middle East - highest obesity rates in the world
3. United Kingdom - biggest weight loss market share in Europe
4. China - biggest weight loss market share in Asia
5. Mexico and Brazil - highest obesity rates in the Central and Latin America

Token Information

Token Symbol : VIN

Token Type : ERC20

Token Supply : 888,888,888 VIN

Token Available for Sale :
28 888 888 VIN (5%) at special rate for Pre-ICO 
534 444 444 VIN (95%) for ICO

Token Price :
Pre-ICO : 1 ETH = 3000 VIN
ICO : 1 ETH = 1500 VIN

Token Sale Date :
Pre-ICO : 11th December - 17th January
ICO : 18th January - 18th February


Vinnd Site :

ETH Addr :  0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38

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