Do you like trading in exchange or other platform ? Trading can gain much profit if you can do with patience and experiences. If you like trading, then my article will give you a good information about trading platform.
Cryptocurrencies are booming and new coins/tokens are being made each day. Over 4 billion USD worth of crypto is traded each day. Bitcoin accounts for around 35-45% of that volume!Most of the well know exchanges worldwide have trading volumes above $200 million per day. There is a lot of crypto being traded daily but compared to forex daily volume ($5 trillion), crypto has a lot of room to grow. This is a perfect time to establish a crypto exchange.
Apollo DAE (Digital Asset Exchange) is a better exchange, wallet and service for crypto
users. Buy/sell your favorite digital asset
with super low fees, 24/7 customer support, high liquidity,
new advanced order types, better trading information and more. All of
with easy to open instant accounts.
Apollo mission is to build the future of DAE trading (digital asset exchange). We are merging forex technologies with blockchain tech to give everyone a better trading experience. Everyone will want to trade on Apollo in 2018, which should force other exchanges to provide better services, thus creating a better community for digital assets.

Why Apollo ? Because Apollo has many advantages :
Lower Fees
Massive savings just by switching to Apollo and using our DAE token system. Users will save a minimum of 25% in fees compared to other exchanges.
Liquid order book
Liquid order book
Our system will connect orders from other exchanges in order to provide users a vast amount of orders to market trade against from day 1. No need to wait months or years for our exchange to build up the volume you need to trade with.
Knowledge base
Knowledge base
A resource to learn about and research digital assets and trading techniques. Quickly find an assets market-cap, team information, latests updates, goals, sentiment and more. Learn how to trade or increase your skills
24/7 Customer Service
24/7 Customer Service
You may never need to contact customer support, but in the rare case that you do, we will be here 24/7 to answer or resolve any issues. Other exchanges won't respond to you for weeks and even months!
New order types
New order types
Created specifically for Apollo users, these secret new order types will blow your minds once we release more information about them. The main objective with these new order types are to protect users from big losses while staying open to huge gains.
Simple sign up process, can even create an annonymous account. Quick verifications using Civic for traders that need to deposit and withdraw FIAT. Even eliminate passwords and signing in with the use of REMME!
The Problem Apollo solved :
Lack of good customer support
Most of Apollo’s team is made up of cryptocurrency investors and traders that use exchanges such as GDAX, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex, CHBTC, YUNBI, and more. Some have even tried less popular exchanges like Liqui, BitShares, CEX, and Cryptopia. With most of these exchanges, you get no immediate customer support and instead they make you wait for an email response that could take days, weeks or, especially with GDAX, 3 months. Some traders may never need customer support, but when something goes wrong and you do need urgent help, few of these exchanges will be there to help.
Solution from Apollo :
- Support categories and limiting users who abuse the system
- Offer support with categories and require a deposit
- Pay for urgent support or manager support
Low liquidity (mostly new exchanges)
There is one main issue with new and smaller exchanges: very low liquidity. It could take years for a small exchange to get enough users to increase the liquidity on their books. It’s the main hurdle new startup exchanges have to face. They may have a better platform with a few more features, but it may take years for users to migrate to the exchange since they can’t offer the volume users need to trade without massive price swings. To increase their order book, some exchanges offer zero-fee trades, or even pay for users to trade on their exchange!
Solution from Apollo :
- Exchange connections
No market information
Almost all exchanges provide no market information or insight. Go to any exchange and look for information on assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum and you will find that they probably don’t tell you what it is, how the coin or asset works, what makes it popular, where is it being used, or what its roadmap is for the future. You can even visit the asset’s website and not find all of that information.
Almost all exchanges provide no market information or insight. Go to any exchange and look for information on assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum and you will find that they probably don’t tell you what it is, how the coin or asset works, what makes it popular, where is it being used, or what its roadmap is for the future. You can even visit the asset’s website and not find all of that information.
Solution from Apollo :
- Create a trading information center

Market manipulation
Trading crypto is awesome. However, crypto trading is full of market manipulations. You have tons ofpump and dumps (PnD), spoofing, flash crashes, phishing and etc. It’s a big problem for most traders and newbies.
Trading crypto is awesome. However, crypto trading is full of market manipulations. You have tons ofpump and dumps (PnD), spoofing, flash crashes, phishing and etc. It’s a big problem for most traders and newbies.
Solution from Apollo :
- Limit manipulations
Exchange and customer security
With more exchanges popping up, some may wonder what security measures the exchanges use to protect their company and user funds. Most will choose to keep a big portion of their funds offline in cold storage and hold 1% - 5% of funds in a hot wallet. This is great, but not sufficient. Exchanges need to implement security standards better than the standards used by banks, stock markets and forex markets. They should encrypt everything, change keys frequently, restrict access to keys directly, store keys on hardware security modules, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA), change passwords regularly, and takes steps to prevent phishing.
With more exchanges popping up, some may wonder what security measures the exchanges use to protect their company and user funds. Most will choose to keep a big portion of their funds offline in cold storage and hold 1% - 5% of funds in a hot wallet. This is great, but not sufficient. Exchanges need to implement security standards better than the standards used by banks, stock markets and forex markets. They should encrypt everything, change keys frequently, restrict access to keys directly, store keys on hardware security modules, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA), change passwords regularly, and takes steps to prevent phishing.

Apollo ICO
Token Information
- Token Symbol: DAE
- Supply: 100 million
- For sale: 50 million
- Price: Determined by votes and trades made during ICO
- Use: Apollo Fees
- Smallest Unit: 0.000000000000000001
- Token Symbol: AVO
- Supply: 1 per USD raised in ICO
- For sale: 100%
- Price: No value
- Use: Paid voting
- Smallest Unit: 1
Start: Finished | Over 250K raised!
Ended: Dec 27th
Hard Cap: 1000 buyers - 5 million USD max
Price: 50% - 40% - 30% or 15% of final DAE/USD price (Discount based on the date you send your deposit)
Deposit Options: BTC, ETH, LTC direct | shapeshift for altcoins
ICO sale
Start: Dec 30th
End: Jan 2018'
Hard Cap: 50 million DAE
Price: Determined by votes made during ICO
Deposit Options: BTC, LTC direct | ETH to contract or shapesift altcoins to ETH contract
Apollo Site : https://apollodae.io/
Apollo Whitepaper : https://apollodae.io/whitepaperV2.pdf
Apollo Telegram : https://t.me/apollodae
Profile bitcoin : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1343532
ETH Addr : 0x0243E433ee123cDB927e22e99FA31D0d34195A38
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Thanks For This Informative Article. It Helps All Those People Who Are Confused about the crypto market.
BalasHapusTop Crypto Exchanges